Major Tags
Tag | Explanation |
<html> </html> | Html Document Start |
<head></head> | HTML Document Head |
<body></body> | HTML Document Body |
Tags in HEAD
Tag | Explanation |
<title></title> | Html Document Title |
<base/> | Base URL for all links in the document |
<link> | Add external sources e.g. CSS, and Javascript files. |
Tags in Body
Tag | Explanation |
<a></a> | Hyperlink |
<b></b> | Bold Tag |
<br/> | Line Break |
<hr/> | Horizontal Rule |
<button></button> | Button |
<canvas></canvas> | Canvas for Graphics |
<div></div> | Division |
<span></span> | Span |
Text Formatting Tags
Tag | Explanation |
<b></b> | Bold Tag |
<i></i> | Italics Tag |
<strong></strong> | Changes font-weight |
<cite></cite> | Displays title of cited work in italics |
<code></code>,<kbd></kbd> | Display computer code / keyboard input in monospace font |
<em></em> | Emphasizes text |
<font></font> | Apply Font Settings to text |
<h1></h1> to <h6></h6> | Heading tag |
List tags
Tag | Explanation |
<ul></ul> | Unordered List |
<ol></ol> | Ordered List |
<li> | List Item |
Table tags
Tag | Explanation |
<table></table> | Table start and end |
<th></th> | Table Header |
<tr></tr> | Table Row |
<td></td> | Table Cell Data |
<caption></caption> | Table Caption |
<colgroup></colgroup> | Column Group |
<col></col> | Column in Column Group |
Form Tags
Tag | Explanation |
<fieldset></fieldset> | Group related form fields together |
<form></form> | Form start and end |
<input/> | Input Field |
<label></label> | Label for input field |
<legend></legend> | Caption for <fieldset> element |
Content Tags
Tag | Explanation |
<audio></audio> | Hyperlink |
<img/> | Image |
<video/> | Video |
<iframe/> | Embed other webpage |
<embed/> | Embed any type of external media |
Tag | Explanation |
<abbr></abbr> | Abbreviation |
<address></address> | Address |
Semantic Tags
Tag | Explanation |
<address></address> | Address |
<article></article> | Article |
<aside></aside> | Content aside from main content. Usually used for the sidebar. |
<blockquote></blockquote> | Quotes from an external source |
<figure></figure> | Contains figure |
<figcaption></figcaption> | Caption for figure element |
<footer></footer> | Footer of webpage |
<header></header> | Header of webpage |
<hgroup></hgroup> | Group heading or paragraph together |