How to improve your Vocabulary

How to improve your Vocabulary

Having a rich & fluent vocabulary is helpful for anyone trying to navigate life, academics & career. It helps us to understand others and communicate with them better. A good vocabulary helps you to express your ideas clearly, build professional working relationships and build confidence in social interactions. This post will show how to improve your vocabulary.

Have a Reading Routine

Reading books is the easiest way to improve your vocabulary. Books contain rich vocabulary and a great choice of words as authors specialize in this area. You can learn a great deal of vocabulary from the authors of these books.

A reading routine enables you to set aside some time in your day towards reading books. With this routine, your understanding of the English language and usage of words will improve gradually with consistent reading. The best part about this is that even spending 20-30 minutes daily reading books is enough to improve your vocabulary over the next few weeks. Many people continue this habit or routine for years as reading books is an enjoyable experience apart from boosting your vocabulary.

Read more: How to Form the Habit of Reading Books

Not just books, you can also read Newspapers, Magazines, Blog Articles and more! Traditional books will have a richer vocabulary, but you can add to it with other media, as well.

Search the meaning of every new word you come across

This is an important exercise. Whenever you come across a new word or any word that you may not be sure about, simply search for the meaning of the word on the internet. This will help you to keep learning every day as and when you encounter new words in your daily life. Searching meaning of words online will help you to understand the word and its usage better.

There are many great online dictionaries and tools for your help. Along with meaning, example sentences are also provided. Try to form new sentences using these words so that you get better at using the word inn right context.

Maintain quick notes of new words

Make a quick note of words that are interesting to you and you may want to use in your daily life. Maintain a note of such words in your phone or diary – whichever is convenient for you. You can keep coming back to these notes for revision. By revising these notes and going through these notes repetitively, you can practice your vocabulary and hence, start remembering, recalling and using these words in your daily conversations and communication.

Try to use new words while speaking or writing

Using new words while speaking or writing will help you to remember these words better. Try using new words whenever you feel like there is a need. Try to keep pushing for more variety of words. For example, instead of saying “I am Happy”, you can say “I am Elated!”. Instead of saying “It was fun”, you can say “It was amusing”.There are many more such examples that you can use as your vocabulary improves with time.

Learn & Improve your Vocabulary with Meritstore

Meritstore has a free practice tool for improving your vocabulary! This is an effective way to learn new words and practise your vocabulary skills online for free. Get started today! Give 5-10 minutes daily for this practice and see results in a few weeks.

Check it out here: Vocabulary Practice Tool

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