How to prepare for NEET if you are in Std. 11

How to prepare for NEET if you are in Std. 11

Std. 11 is considered to be a good time to start NEET preparation ! Most probably, you have started preparing for NEET in std. 11 and are wondering what exactly needs to be done. Here, in this post we discuss what std. 11 students need to do in order to ensure a smooth preparation.

The Time is Good !

If you have started preparing for NEET in std. 11, then you are already ahead of 50% competition. Starting your preparation allows you to do more. What students usually study in 1 year, you can study it in 2 years. So, if you have started preparing for NEET in std. 11, that is the first good step in your preparation.

You have the lead, you now need to maintain it and even take it ahead of those who have started preparing for NEET along with you.

Know the Examination

Knowing the Exam is very important. It helps you to understand the types of questions and weight age of different chapters in the examination. Thus, it is important to invest some time in knowing the exam.

The best way of knowing an exam is by going through it’s past question papers. Check out the past years’ Question Papers of NEET and understand the pattern, level of difficulty and weight age. So, the next time that you are solving MCQs, you would know what type/level of MCQs need to be picked up and practiced.

Read More: How to Crack NEET

Solve NEET level MCQs of Std. 11

Most Students make the mistake of waiting till std. 12 for starting NEET level MCQs. Don’t do that. Start solving NEET level MCQs of Std. 11 in Std. 11 itself.

The advantage of this, is that you will be comfortable with NEET level sums in std. 11 itself and that will serve as a big bonus for your 12th Standard . By the time you reach Std 12, you would already be comfortable with NEET-level sums. Thus, you would only need to learn the chapters of std. 12 and put less efforts on MCQs.

Read More: How to Solve Difficult MCQs

Practice Practice Practice

No matter how many tips, tricks you find on the internet; there is no substitute for practice. Also, did you know that actively practicing 50-150 MCQs daily will put you ahead of 80% of Competition ? Now that is a good deal !

So, you need to set up a schedule that allows you to practice 50-150 MCQs on a daily basis.

Read More: The Power of Practice

Set a good Timetable and Execute it !

You need to set a timetable and ore importantly – FOLLOW IT.

Remember, that most students first ask how to study in 2 years, then they ask how to study in 1 year then 6 months then 3 months then 1 month and end up taking a drop. We don’t want you to do that mistake.

The only difference between these students failing in this way and successful students is a timetable that was followed religiously.

Read More: How to Plan and Strategize your Studies  (Tips on creating and following a timetable.)

Stay Focused. Don’t get Distracted and have a Positive Mindset.

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