The NEET 16 Week Programme is an Open-Access free Study programme for NEET Aspirants. In this course, we go week-wise preparing for NEET exam. Each week, we study certain topics of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. At the end of each week, students can attempt a 20 Question MCQ test to test their preparation.
Course Outcomes
- To improve NEET score in 4 months
- To complete final preparation for NEET
- To overcome time constraint through a Systematic Timetable
- Concepts
- Competence
Course Contents
- Subjects:
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology - Timetable: A 16-Week Timetable to Complete Preparation in Time.
- Study Materials: Weekly guidance, Online Weekly Tests
About the Course
- Course Contents: Weekly guidance, 5 MCQ Video Series, Weekly Tests
- Estimated Time of Completion: 4 Months
- Access: Online | PC, Tablet, Smart phone
- Fee: Free
This Course is for
People with
- Requirement : Intensive Training for Final NEET Exam
- Age : Std. 12 and Repeaters, appearing for NEET this year
- Pre-requisites : Should be a bit familiar with NEET syllabus and topics
Course Timetable
Week 1: Thermodynamics, Hydrocarbons, General Organic Chemistry, Digestion and Absorption, Breathing and Exchange of gases, Body Fluids and Circulation
Week 2: Current Electricity, Periodic Table, Hydrogen, Locomotion and Movement, Nueral Control And Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration
Week 3: Semiconductors, Work, Energy and Power, Chemical Bonding, Carbonyl Compounds, Excretory products and Their Elimination, The living world, Biological CLassification
Week 4: Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Induction, Haloalkane, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Principles of Inheritance and Variation , Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution
Week 5: Electromagnetic Waves, Alkyl Halide, Alcohol & Ether, Aromatic Compounds, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom
Week 6: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Organic Compounds containing nitrogen, Biomolecules, IUPAC & Isomerism, Reproductive health, Reproduction in organism, Biodiversity and Conservation
Week 7: Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemistry, Polymer, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants, Ecosystem, Environmental Issues
Week 8: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Environmental chemistry, Human Reproduction, Organism and Population
Week 9: Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Structural Organisation in Animals, Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Week 10: System of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, p-block, Mole Concept, Morphology of Flowering plants, Anatomy of Flowering plants
Week 11: Atoms, Nuclei, Coordination Compounds, d-block & f-block Elements, Cell: the unit of life, Human Health and Diseases
Week 12: Laws of Motion, Waves, Solution & Colligative Properties, Redox Reactions, Mineral Nutrition, Transport in plants
Week 13: Gravitation, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Photosynthesis in Plants, Plant growth and development
Week 14: Physical World, Units and Measurements, Solid State, Surface Chemistry, Respiration , Microbes in human welfare
Week 15: Kinetic Theory, Thermal Properties of Matter, Metallurgy, Qualitative Analysis, Biomolecules, Strategies for enhancemnt in food
Week 16: Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, s-block, Gaseous State, Biotechnology: Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and Its Applications
Week 2: Current Electricity, Periodic Table, Hydrogen, Locomotion and Movement, Nueral Control And Coordination, Chemical Coordination and Integration
Week 3: Semiconductors, Work, Energy and Power, Chemical Bonding, Carbonyl Compounds, Excretory products and Their Elimination, The living world, Biological CLassification
Week 4: Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Induction, Haloalkane, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, Principles of Inheritance and Variation , Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Evolution
Week 5: Electromagnetic Waves, Alkyl Halide, Alcohol & Ether, Aromatic Compounds, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom
Week 6: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Organic Compounds containing nitrogen, Biomolecules, IUPAC & Isomerism, Reproductive health, Reproduction in organism, Biodiversity and Conservation
Week 7: Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Atomic Structure & Nuclear Chemistry, Polymer, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering plants, Ecosystem, Environmental Issues
Week 8: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry, Chemistry in Everyday Life, Environmental chemistry, Human Reproduction, Organism and Population
Week 9: Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Chemical Equilibrium, Ionic Equilibrium, Structural Organisation in Animals, Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Week 10: System of Particles and Rotational Motion, Oscillations, p-block, Mole Concept, Morphology of Flowering plants, Anatomy of Flowering plants
Week 11: Atoms, Nuclei, Coordination Compounds, d-block & f-block Elements, Cell: the unit of life, Human Health and Diseases
Week 12: Laws of Motion, Waves, Solution & Colligative Properties, Redox Reactions, Mineral Nutrition, Transport in plants
Week 13: Gravitation, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Chemical Kinetics, Electrochemistry, Photosynthesis in Plants, Plant growth and development
Week 14: Physical World, Units and Measurements, Solid State, Surface Chemistry, Respiration , Microbes in human welfare
Week 15: Kinetic Theory, Thermal Properties of Matter, Metallurgy, Qualitative Analysis, Biomolecules, Strategies for enhancemnt in food
Week 16: Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, s-block, Gaseous State, Biotechnology: Principles and Processes, Biotechnology and Its Applications
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